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808Cute HONKON 808nm Máquina de depilación permanente con láser de diodo

Descrición curta:

Serie de produtos láser de diodo de 808 nm
Nome do modelo 808 Bonito
Mango de tratamento FH-05
Densidade de enerxía 3-220 J/cm²
Ancho adicional 3-300 ms
Tamaño do punto 12*23 mm²
Potencia da fonte láser 1200 W
Potencia da máquina 2200 W
Lonxitude de onda 808 nm
Frecuencia 1-10
Método de arrefriamento Refrixeración por semicondutores, arrefriamento por aire e arrefriamento por auga
Certificado US FDA + Med CE
Detalles do paquete 75 * 50 * 85 cm, 55 kg

Detalle do produto

Etiquetas de produtos

Teoría do tratamento de depilación con láser

A profundidade de penetración efectiva do láser de diodo de 808 nm pode alcanzar o tecido obxectivo da papila dérmica.A duración adecuada do pulso do obxectivo é suficiente dano por calor e o tecido circundante apenas se ve afectado.Proporcionar enerxía suficiente para danar o tecido obxectivo e o tecido normal case non se ve afectado.Medidas de protección da pel para garantir suficiente dano ao tecido obxectivo.Para garantir a seguridade do tratamento.Baixo o modo de baixa densidade de enerxía, os folículos pilosos quentáronse a 75 ℃ e os folículos pilosos e as células nai de crecemento foron privados da actividade de crecemento polo mantemento deslizante da man de tratamento e dos folículos pilosos (estado de 10 Hz).
A actualización potente é máis segura, rápida, indolora e eficiente, é o teu dispositivo de depilación preferido.
O láser actúa selectivamente sobre a melanina do folículo piloso, que destrúe a rexión xerminal do cabelo quente.
Derrame natural do cabelo, para acadar o propósito da depilación.
Estimula a rexeneración do coláxeno, reduce os poros, fai que a pel sexa lisa ao mesmo tempo.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

Mostrando detalles. Máquina, asa e expositor

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.


Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

Características e vantaxes

1. Potencia do láser de ata 1200 W
Máquina de beleza láser de diodo 808, 1200 W de alta potencia, ancho de pulso estreito, depilación ultraxeo, alta velocidade e precisión.Fonte láser de Alemaña.Maior enerxía e maior vida útil. (Máis de 50 millóns de disparos) 6 anos, sen problemas.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine

2. Mancha grande, penetración profunda
808 Un bonito tamaño de punto grande (12 mm * 23 mm) a penetración profunda do láser garante un efecto de depilación máis seguro. Mango grande para o corpo. Depilación rápida e eficiente,
3. Adoptar tecnoloxía avanzada de microcanles
O equipo de depilación portátil máis económico con tecnoloxía de microcanle en todo o mundo realiza unha depilación sen dor con conxelación con láser de diodos.
4. Portátil conveniente
A máquina de depilación con láser de diodo pequeno e portátil con potente tecnoloxía de microcanles é máis adecuada para o transporte e transporte (tratamento médico móbil). Para poñela en clínica e transportala

5. Punta de fibra pequena para cabelo fino e liñas de cabelo e cabelo grosas, 360 graos pode facer todo o cabelo fino e pequenas áreas e liñas de cabelo.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)

FDA, CE, certificado, estándar médico.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (10)

Resultados e sesións,
Láser de diodo 808nm, máquina de maior potencia.
Bos resultados.
Necesita 3-4 sesións para completar a redución do cabelo.
Redución do cabelo con láser de diodo Bos comentarios.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (16)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (12)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (13)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (14)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (15)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (5)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (6)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (7)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (8)

FDA, CE, certificado, estándar médico.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)


A máquina láser de diodo Honkon 808nm, 808Cute, é un láser de diodo de maior potencia, que pode facer a depilación rápida e eficiente.Adopta a fonte de láser de Alemaña que pode garantir unha maior enerxía e tamén cunha vida útil máis longa.Con 20 anos de experiencia.Honkon forneceu máis de 5000Sets 808Cute modelo, dá un bo resultado e ten unha boa reputación en todo o mundo.

Sala de demostración da sucursal de HONKON

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)

HONKON Overseas Marketing and Service Team

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)

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